The Maltese Dog

The Maltese is a small breed of dog in the toy group. It descends from dogs originating in the Central Mediterranean Area. The breed name and origins are generally understood to derive from the Mediterranean island of Malta.

Maltese dogs are little all-white dogs that are very gentle-mannered and loving. They are lively, playful and are quite fearless in spite of their small size. Malties learn quickly and excel at obedience and tricks. They are highly affectionate, very devoted to their owner, and are wonderful companions that will happily take part in any activity as long as they are with their family.
A bold and beautiful canine, the Maltese has a silky, long white coat and has graceful movements. He is a natural born lapdog, but also greatly enjoys romping around and doesn’t mind getting dirty to the chagrin of his owners. Maltese are vivacious and lovely dogs, and throughout history have remained popular pets.

Maltese Adult Dog

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