The Maltese Vine and Wine Experience

If you are interested in everything that has to do with wine, then this is your ideal experience in Malta. This is not like any other wine tasting experience. At Merill Eco Tours we work closely with real farmers who are dedicated to produce high quality food and beverage products for consumers. This is why we included a visit at a vinyard where vines are meticulously taken care of, to produce excellent grapes. During this experience, you will be able to learn about the cultivation of vines, such as pruning, grafting and sustainable water and fertiliser use. Then, you will have the opportunity to taste a variety of local wines produced by a leading Wine Producer Organisation. Other delicacies such as genuine cheeselets will enhance this experience. The fresh air and countryside views will make this experience a relaxing one to all those wine lovers who want to discover the real Malta.

To view other related experiences such as olive oil tasting, click here! For more information send us an email on 


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