Our Principles and Our Role

Hey Merill fans!

Winter is still kicking here in Malta. It's snowing all over Italy, and also in Sicily and Lampedusa. Seems like we're the lucky ones in the middle of the Mediterranean to be left without snow. Heavy rain and hail featured the weather news in Malta almost everyday during this week. We were only blessed with one day of sunshine and look forward to more sunny days.

We thought of featuring the "Principles of Ecotourism" in today's blog article as it will be the topic highlighted during a workshop we're holding on Sunday 19th February in Malta. By popular demand we are organising this event to create awareness and meet our fans. "Ecotourism in Malta....Yes it's happening!" is the name we gave to this event, as we feel that the concept is gaining grounds and there are still many benefits we can reap from this niche market.

There are many definitions that have been given to Ecotourism, but definitely the one of the International Ecotourism Society, is the simplest and most straight forward. 

The Definition
Ecotourism is defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990)

Furthermore, a set of principles need to be followed to contribute towards the environment, local people and society at large.

Principles of Ecotourism
  • Minimize impact.
  • Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.
  • Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.
  • Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.
  • Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.
  • Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate.
Reference: The International Ecotourism Society

To know more about how we are putting into practice these principles, come and join us on Sunday 19th February. Booking are still open however hurry up as places are limited. The group size will be limited. For more information contact us on info@merillecotours.com or visit our Facebook page.


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