Updates from the Merill Farmers' Network

Hello Merill fans,

John Gauci, one of our young farmers and myself
Though summer was officially over on the 21st of September, we are still enjoying blue skies and warm temperatures here in Malta. All the grapes have been harvested and the wine makers are now busy monitoring their new wines. Pomegranates are ripening and it will soon be time to harvest the olives with which the new olive oil will be made. 

We're happy to announce that our network is getting bigger! We now have 20 farmers and artisans around Malta who form part of the Merill Rural Network. 

Tess Gauci - an expert of Maltese local delicacies

All our partners forming the network are authentic farmers and herdsmen, while some are artisans. During the eco and agri experiences we organise, we visit farm venues with guests who wish to enjoy agri-tourism activities, or simply to relax, or to learn about the Maltese culture. 

Nenu Farrugia - One of the very few
Karozzini (horse-cabs) makers left in Malta

Here are some photos of some members of the network. More coming up soon!

Stay in touch through our website or facebook fan page, or drop us a line on info@merillecotours.com.

Take care

Jeanette :)


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