A group of students visit the Bingemma Olive Grove

View from the Olive Grove

We were pleased to host a group of students from the university association called "Youth for the Environment". Daniel Buhagiar is the current President of the organisation. The students all have the environment at heart and study at various faculties and institutes within the University of Malta including sciences, engineering and health. The scope of the association is to create environmental awareness, promote efficiency and contribute to sustainability in society. This rural experience was organised as one of their social events.

During the discussion

It was a splendid Sunday morning when John, a young farmer, and I met the group next to the Chapel of Our Lady of Ittria in Bingemma, Mgarr. After a brief introduction, we moved towards the Olive Grove where we were hosted by Nena, Tessie, Bella together with John. The youths were offered tea and coffee together with local jams and marmalades. Following that, the visit was complemented with an engaging discussion about rural tourism and agriculture. John, recalled how studying agriculture has kept him close to his family and the traditions they harness. Olive oil and other delicacies produced by the farmers within the Merill Network were also tasted during the experience. 

Olive oil tasting
Delicacy Tasting
At the olive grove

Photos by Kurt Cuschieri

To get involved in this student organisation visit their Facebook Fan Page: 

For more information about the Olive Grove Experience, drop us a line on info@merillecotours.com.




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