The spectacular village festas

Experiencing a traditional festa is something that nobody can miss when visiting the Maltese Islands.
Summer is here and July with its 21 festas offers a great way to experience the authentic local traditions. Amazingly lighted churches, beautifully decorated village cores, fireworks, processions, bands, street stalls and parties. The more spectacular the better. The fact that every village has a festa shows the importance of these religious feasts. The over 80 festas held during the year bring the village people together to celebrate the patron saints of the village. These traditions were passed from generations to generations and are still alive to bring joy and happiness to everyone who participates on the village festas. 
Our exclusive, tailor-made private tours provide excellent possibilities for visiting the festas. For more details do not hesitate to contact us. 

F: +356 21411388
M: +356 79000143

Happy festas!:)


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