Agriculture in Malta

Tempting strawberries
One of the best ways to enjoy local flora and fauna is to visit agricultural areas around Malta and Gozo. Rubble walls, soil, trees and corebelled stone huts form excellent habitats to a wide variety of species. At the moment strawberry plants are producing huge quantities of strawberries, while Japanese Medlars are just ripe. Agricultural land is not only useful to produce food but also has a recreational value for those who visit rural areas on Sundays to escape from the weekly chaos. Picnicking is one of the most preferred activities of locals during the cooler months. Those who are more adventurous opt for trekking. 

Tourists also appreciate the agricultural landscape and look for rural areas and their treasures during their stay in Malta. Agri-Tourism experiences are not as common as in other countries like Italy. That doesn't mean there are no options available. Since we started providing tours for locals and tourists, we felt that this area can be developed further. The local people will surely benefit since they are the owners and managers of the agricultural land.  Traditions and culture are very evident in the practices carried out in rural areas. Thus, promoting and providing such experiences can help in conserving traditions through the education of locals and tourists.


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