Agritourism Experience in Malta - 10th April 2011

In spite there were many activities going on in Malta today, I still managed to gather a small crowd to  attend the Agritourism Experience as part of the "JCI Malta" social events for this year. Five out of twelve had already attended other agri/social events, while the rest had never been to such an activity. The farmer and his wife welcomed us and showed us around the ten hectare olive grove. They explained  the history and the future of their enterprise with great passion. The terraced fields slope gently toward a sheer dropping cliff made of lower Corraline limestone. Apart from the thousands of olive trees present on the farm, we had the time to appreciate a lot of endemic species. The view of Filfla (the tiny island in the photo) was the cherry on the cake. The experience ended with a lunch made out of organic products produced on the same farm. Capers, herbs and extra virgin olive oil gave a rich Mediterranean taste to the lunch. We also tasted local fruits that are in season such as medlars and melons. After a half day out in the fields I managed to get a suntan :) Looking forward to enjoy more days out in the sunshine!


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