Every drop of water counts!

Malta's drinking water is desalinated sea water added to ground water (Malta's only natural source of fresh water). As an island that classifies as semi-arid according to FAO standards, it is imperative to take all necessary measures to reduce water consumption.

Tips for tourists: Bottled water is recommended for drinking.

To help us save our scarce water resource we would appreciate if you take these simple measures:

- An average bath at 10 cm deep uses about 80 litres of water. Take short showers. A 4-minute shower uses about 24 litres of water.

- Don't leave the water running while washing hands, brushing teeth or shaving.

- If you notice a leaking tap, report it to the management of the hotel/residence immediately.

Thank you for saving water with us.

Some interesting information; Water scarcity in Malta - Martin Sapiano 


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