Loving summer and nature in Malta

Amazing Sunset

Bambinella harvesting

Ready to be harvested

Painting Workshops

Gutters in rural paths

So many things are happening this summer at Merill Eco Tours! 

Some might think that summer in Malta is just a time to relax by the sea and do nothing. That's an option but there are so many other things to do. The landscape turns to yellow and brown hues with outstanding patches of lush green vines. Grapes will be ready to be harvested in a month's time but the small Malta June Pear, known locally as Bambinella is just ripe. Farmers are spending their days harvesting and grading it to later sell locally or send to the United Kingdom. 

What else? The weather has been fantastic this July. We've had a heat wave that was quickly replaced by cooler weather. In the evening it's fresh, just perfect to enjoy relaxed evenings out by the beach., maybe savoring a (local) cold beer!

Morning can get to be pretty hot so we're having afternoon painting workshops out in rural areas. Agricultural land can offer many features ideal for painting.

That's all from our end...stay cool and enjoy life :)

Visit our website for more details about excursions - Merill Eco Tours Website


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