Traditions Fair at Mgarr - 8th July 2011

Mgarr Parish Church in the distance

tractors, implements and other farming equipment


Cane work

I just couldn't resist this

different kinds of local bread

feeding 10!

l-Għannejja (folk singers & musicians)

Aromatic herbs stand

Yesterday was one of those hot summer afternoons here in sunny Malta. This didn't seem to bother the farmers and organisers of the Traditions Fair that was organised at Mgarr. Livestock, displays of machinery, demonstrations of traditional farming practices and obviously food. The smell or roast potatoes was lovely. 

Around 500 persons attended this event and I must say that it was very well organised. Eman Vella who is an MRRA official but also the Vice Mayor of Mgarr explained to us the purpose of having such a fair and the commitment of the council to keep the village traditions alive.

Mgarr is one of the top rural villages of Malta. There are several hamlets in Mgarr, such as Bingemma. These areas are still farmed and the products originating from them are the fruit of fertile soil, knowledgeable farmers and hard work.

If you're planning to visit Malta, you can't miss our Mgarr tour! We can advice you in advance as to when is the best time to come to Malta, so that you can also enjoy one of the rural activities and events organised throughout the year.


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