Good Vines and Wines in Malta

Hello Merill fans,

Hope you're all doing great! Just a short update about our activities in Malta. The weather is perfect...sunny and warm in the morning and cool in the evening. Vines have now greened the valleys and hills of the Maltese countryside. We're keeping our farmers busy with agri experiences right now. Visiting Valletta and Mdina is a must if you come to Malta, and so are our experiences which take place just a few kilometers away from these well known cultural sites. In just a a matter of hours we accompany our guests at the best locations of our island. 

Our network of hard-working farmers, enables us to choose the perfect venue, be it a secluded olive grove or a vineyard with stunning views in the heart of a rural area. Here are some photos for all of you to enjoy!

Should you need more info about our alternative experiences, visit our website and send us an email on


Vines have now turned the landscape in Malta green

A boy's toy!
One last strawberry... et voila!


Wie Merill Lokale Produkte, arbeiten wir mit den lokalen Bauern, um Erfahrungen zu Einheimischen und Touristen bieten, sowie vertreibt eine breite Palette von Produkten während der Besuche auf Bauernhöfen. Unser Sortiment umfasst Olivenöl, Wein, getrockneten Tomaten, Meersalz, Zwiebeln Gewürzgurken und Honig.


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