Vines, Wines and Stunning views in Malta

Vines look splendid at this time of the year!

Preparing the local products display

Ready to be tasted!

Seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables

Spring weather is a blessing after a rainy winter. We're as busy as bees preparing for experiences to take place in the next few weeks. Tasting of delicious local products and relaxing in farm setups, is an excellent treat whether you're a local or a foreigner who is luck enough to be in Malta. Extra virgin olive oil, honey and strawberries all make tasting sessions uniquely Mediterranean. Strawberry picking activities are also in full swing and we're now very eager to hold the first sea salt harvesting sessions of the season in June.

If you're thinking of organising a stress-free eco experience, give us a call on 00356 79411388 or email on

For more details please visit our website!


Wie Merill Lokale Produkte, arbeiten wir mit den lokalen Bauern, um Erfahrungen zu Einheimischen und Touristen bieten, sowie vertreibt eine breite Palette von Produkten während der Besuche auf Bauernhöfen. Unser Sortiment umfasst Olivenöl, Wein, getrockneten Tomaten, Meersalz, Zwiebeln Gewürzgurken und Honig.


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