Agritourism in Malta - through the eyes of a foreigner

Beautiful Island in the heart of the Mediterranean, sun, sea, sand, rich history, interesting culture, friendly people. These are the first things that come to somebody’s mind when talking about the Maltese Islands. At the moment we can say that Malta, together with its sister island Gozo, are typical holiday destinations attracting thousands of tourists every year. Every visitor who comes to Malta is seeking for sunshine, relaxation, calm or if it is about the younger generation they are more interested in the night life and the leisure activities. Malta has a lot to offer. But is it all? sandy beaches, history and culture? or is there an other face of Malta that less people know? The answer is “yes”.


As a foreigner, I can say with confidence, that agritourism in Malta is something unique. It shows the hidden side of the island. It brings a special “life time” experience for those who participate on one of the tours. The best way to get to know a country is to see the traditions, the old habits, to taste the local flavours and to drink the local beverages. The local agriculture dates back to hundreds of years and some of the old traditions are still alive. The small part of the community that still works on the fields kept the habits and the rural lifestyle. The fresh products they make are the best one can ever taste. The friendliness of the families who live on the farms makes you feel welcome and in such an atmosphere, having breakfast or lunch leaves you memorable moments that you will never forget. While talking to the farmer you can get to know the life of the family, the old ways of land cultivation and farming. Sitting outside in the fresh air, soaking in the sunshine, admiring the breath-taking views, tasting the fresh, hand-made cheeslets, sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams, extra virgin olive oil and the local wines is priceless. It really gives you the feeling that even if just for a moment you are a local too and you belong to this exceptional country. The rural Malta has so much to offer. And not just for foreigners but also for the locals. It is the best way to break away from the busy daily lifestyle, and get to know a country or just to rediscover its forgotten treasures. It perfectly combines culture, tradition and local cuisine.

After visiting a vineyard, an olive grow and the landscape surrounding the farm houses I really think it is something that everybody has to see.  Rural tourism shows a hidden side of Malta. It is informative and interesting.  It helps to keep the old agricultural traditions and contributes to the local community as well.

Let’s discover the rural side of Malta!

Betti :)

For more information about the whole range of experiences we offer, one can visit the Merill Eco Tours website. We organise experiences upon request for small and medium sized groups. Feel free to email us on or call us on 21/27411388.


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